Like Warhammer lore is digestible because it’s very self aware that it’s ridiculous.

Battletech unfortunately is really self serious. The different houses of the Inner Sphere are basically a rough sketch of what a redditor thinks America, Europe, Russia, and China are and Japan.

Then you have the clans who are basically exiled nazis with a handful of quirky social progressive quirks.

This. Is a shame because Battletech and MechWarrior are really cool.

But the understanding of states of any stripe is basically what a redditor thinks if they were also from the 80s.

I think I would appreciate sci fi that werent blisteringly inaccurate and vulgar appropriations of real modern day states. God damn.

  • @GloriousDoubleKOP
    51 year ago

    Well sure. I guess what I would ask is if they read Lenin, then what was the deal with the clans being as fascistic as they are? Then there is that one house that is supposed to be an approximate of the soviet union and communist China. And they depict that like they based it off of Reddit memes.

    We have all talked about it before. Since we tend to know better, liberal entertainment and media betrays or reveals the author’s depth of knowledge about certain things.

    I guess like… If you want socialist societies to be bad guys or look bad, you dont REALLY have to lie about it. Just be honest and throw in some xreative spins that makes it seem crappy. Like maybe that socialistic house could have their shit together but because they are at odds with all the other houses, they gotta make due with shitty to downright inhospitable planets.

    • @Munrock
      41 year ago

      liberal entertainment and media betrays or reveals the author’s depth of knowledge about certain things.

      It also propogates and reinforces misinformation. The author will fill their knowledge gaps with whatever the prevailing pop narrative is (e.g. red scare). Then the media consumers, often assuming that an author making an analogy implies authoritative knowledge of the subject (e.g. pop opinion of Orwell and Animal Farm), see this as more evidence that those falsehoods are correct and embrace the bad information with even more confidence.

      • @GloriousDoubleKOP
        41 year ago

        That is true unfortunately.

        I was soured at Cabinet of Curiosities for example because one episode thought it would be cool to tell bullshit about Gaddafi.