Weird question, but let me explain: I’m lactose intolerant (and also planning on going full vegan in the future) and I actually get physically nauseous when I smell or taste most dairy products. As a result, I can’t even stand lactose free dairy because of what I assume is a Pavlovian effect, and overall I just don’t like it. Is there by any chance a vegan “cheese” that melts and spreads like cheese but doesn’t actually taste like dairy?

    3 years ago

    I have a case which doesn’t taste like cheese (well, i didn’t test every type of cheese before going vegan but it is not like dairy one) but it doesn’t melt or spread like it. It breaks if you warm it easily but tastes better as additional ingredient in a hamburger, for example.

    I am not sure where you live but it is sold in both Lidl and Carrefour in Spain.

    I fear that is only sold in Spain because it’s made here.