Make a communist villain/antagonist, but make him/her/them have many good points and have a good amount of sympathetic traits that even the in-universe heroes/protagonists even concede that they have good points, also try not to make said character do a “randomly blows up a hospital for no reason to remind everyone their a villain/antagonist” trope because that’s dumb, just for a bit of a challenge. Also, you can make them like a reflection/allegory of communists as a whole without the demonization capitalist propaganda likes to do.

  • the hospital was a hospital that charged sick high amounts of money, villain tells “hero” he’ll blow it up,hero refuses to sacrifice himself at the distraction to defeat the evil communist and how defeating him will save more people than disarming the bomb, antagonist tells him [selfish reason to rescue], “hero” goes in and sees the place empty and it was all a trap to get him. Idk what’s next