Was talking the other day with someone and the topic of happy places came up. Like, places you have a good memory of that you can go back to if you feel down. I couldn’t imagine a happy place at that moment but I just figured out my happy place.

It’s a public natural swimming pool made in a river in a tiny village in the Provence, France. I went there for my first holiday with my girlfriend when we were not even two months together. We met and we just felt like going on a three week trip together through France. Never went to France before and never went camping before. So we went camping in this small village in the Provence and I had the time of my life really. That specific pool deserves to be my happy place.

How about you guys?

  • Bury The Right
    21 year ago

    When I was around 10 I also went on a trip to a tropical beach but to the Dominican Republic instead. I was mostly held up in the resort and didn’t go on any jungle walks like you did but it was still exotic and great and I did get to swim with nurse sharks in an enclosed area which we got to by boat. Another thing that made that time special for me was that it was before my mom and dad breaking up and then my dad passing away a little after that.