
Porfirio Lerdo de Tejada has reorganized the Armed Forces into the Mexican Red Army. The military is now devoted to defending the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The international revolution will not be won through the jabbering politicians, it will be won through force of arms. All the bourgeoisie of the world are assembled against us, the enemies of the proletariat are omnipresent. The Red Army is the only force standing between survival and annihilation.

Is it implying what it think it implies? That the devs are conscious that world liberation can’t be achieved through reform but through violent revolution? And that the Red Army’s purpose isn’t to mindlessly conquer stuff as some libs may think, but to protect the revolution?

Honestly at this point I’m willing to bet that some of the devs are comrades.

Victoria 3 might be unpolished, but because of things like this I love this game.

  • @lil_tank
    171 year ago

    Technically they could be libs who did their research to accurately reflect communist rhetoric, but it’s so rare to see libs knowing what they are talking about that I am inclined to think there are communists in the team