Bratstvo was founded as a political organization in 2004 by Dmytro Korchynsky, who previously led the far-right Ukrainian National Assembly–Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO).

Korchynsky, who now fights in Bratstvo’s paramilitary wing, is a [Shoah] denier who falsely blamed Jews for the 1932–33 famine in Ukraine, and peddled the claim that “120,000 Jews fought in the Wehrmacht.” He has stated that he sees Bratstvo as a “Christian Taliban” (Intercept, 3/18/15).

(Emphasis original. See here for further examples of the NYT’s casual profascism. Depending on your criteria for Jewishness, the claim that 120,000 Jews served in the Wehrmacht is not necessarily a lie, but it was not something that the Third Reich sometimes tolerated out of good will either.)