Imo they are the ultimate fucking groomers and some of the most scummy people there are, making the imperialist forces look like a fun after school club, but maybe the hatred is misplaced idk lmk

  • DamarcusArt
    9 months ago

    The closest I could get is that they kill fewer brown children than the average US soldier, but also they’re responsible for those soldiers joining the army in the first place, so I don’t know. That’s all I’ve got.

    • Addfwyn
      9 months ago

      Yeah, I have never given much of a pass to people who make the argument that they were “only administration/hr/IT” whatever for the military. They are still cogs in a machine that exists to murder people around the world, even if they don’t pull the trigger.

      I see that a lot with IOF apologists, and it doesn’t cut it to me.

      Honestly the recruiters might be doubly bad, because they are recruiting kids to throw their lives away to…murder other kids.