Comrades who have been/live in China, I’m visiting sometime next year! I’ve commented about this before but it’s coming up on the new year so.

Any advice on where to go, how to behave, what to see, do? Any information would be appreciated, I’m so excited

  • Life2Space
    9 months ago

    You can’t drink tap water in China. You’ve got to boil it first. Stick some tea leaves in there while you’re at it.

    Was it really that bad in your experience? It seems hard to believe as someone who has not visited China but heard many great things about the nation.

    • Ronin_5
      9 months ago

      You can drink the tap water, but nobody will let you.

      I secretly drank some when nobody’s looking with no side effects. It tastes kind of raw though. I don’t think they chlorinate it.

      I know for a fact that China treats their tap water.

    • TheCommunismButton
      9 months ago

      Tap water that’s drinkable straight out of the tap is a rarity in the world and not really a thing in any developing country. There are certainly parts of China where you could get away with it, but you could get sick in many other places. The issue is that pipes leak here and there, so even though water comes out drinkable from the plant, there’s no guarantees what it will be like at the tap. From the perspective of the Chinese, you drink less than 1% of the tap water you use, so why bother making all of it drinkable? But I’m sure things will change as the country develops.