Okay so I was scrolling through the PSL’s info page, and it is stated that they are to denuclearize the power grid. Why is this? I was under the impression that Nuclear Energy is the much more sustainable and frankly realistic source of power–even without Molten Salt Reactors and Thorium based ones.

 Im finding it most orgs tend to stay away from Nuclear energy due to fear mongering from fossil fuel industries; Thus its stain in the imperial core, reaching from liberals to western "leftists". But I am surprised the PSL, a radical organization, is anti-nuclear.

   FYI this isn't a deal breaker or anything--they seem to be taking the lead for vanguard party--just was curious of the stance on nuclear energy.
  • @OrnluWolfjarl
    221 year ago

    I think nuclear reactors under a capitalist model will definitely lead to disaster. I’m not afraid to say that nuclear power is sooooo much better than fossil fuels. But we have to consider:

    • capitalist cost-cutting
    • capitalist shrugging of cleaning up a potential disaster
    • nuclear waste stored in sub-par facilities
    • the military industrial complex weaponizing nuclear byproducts and nuclear energy itself and then the imperialists being totally willing to use these weapons as threats or bludgeons.