• @ComradeSalad
    1 year ago

    I have always hated this short with a burning passion, as I live in this exact type of backwoods, complete with the claustrophobic forest growth, small narrow roads, and endless forests. So every time I’m driving at night, this short is on my mind, and I feel absolutely terrible and full of dread, made worse by the fact that Google Maps can’t make sense of the backwoods roads, and always gives me weird instructions, such as making turns that don’t exist, showing “destinations” that are deep in the forest with no roads, and so on.

    The worst would have to be when I was dead exhausted and decided to cut some traffic by taking a shortcut through an abandoned quarry near my house, which has a mazelike lattice of access roads, so predictably I got lost. Which wouldn’t be as bad if Maps didn’t keep telling me to take U-Turns to go deeper into the quarry, even when I knew that it was a dead-end. Then it started saying that there were stop signs all around me and to be ready to slow down/stop (Remember I’m in the middle of an abandoned quarry, there are no traffic signs), but maps seemed dead set on getting me to stop my car. This whole time I’m shitting bricks and praying that I stumble across the across the entrance I originally came in through. When I did, the drive through the thick forest overgrowth and thin narrow roads were the longest 10 minutes of my life, it was terrifying, and Maps still wanted me to return to the quarry. When I finally managed to get back onto the highway I was never more happy in my life to be stuck in deadlock traffic. What an awful night.

    • Marxism-FennekinismOP
      1 year ago

      To be fair, this is very much ripping on real life GPS fuckups. The reason this film exists is because “I feel like the GPS is leading me to my death” is a pretty common IRL sentiment.

      Hell I live in a major city with roads in a grid and it still manages to fuck it up. Though to be fair I exclusively take public transit and don’t drive so it’s more complicated than tracing the shortest line on the roads from A to B.