The goal of this post is to function as a vent post. Tell us what’s on your mind, yell, post pics, do whatever to clear your mind.

So yesterday my father in law and I went to this lake for a morning swim. It was 8 degrees celsius (46F) outside, the water was probably of a similar temperature. There were a few fishermen walking around in special wetsuits as to not get hypothermia and they were staring in disbelief at two guys walking into the water in underwear.

It was cold as fuck to the point that the cold water did nothing but hurt my skin. I swam for around ten minutes I think and the entire time I kept thinking: why would anyone do this? Why do humans feel the need to go to great lengths to do stupid shit like this? Surely it has to be more than just adrenaline.

Did I enjoy swimming in cold water? I don’t know. It made feel alive-ish. Would I do it again? It does have a certain lure to it.

It did make me think about people bragging about ‘suffering’. For example, my gf and I want to try to keep the heating off until at least the 21st of December, because shit is expensive yo. But when someone mentions that they already have the heating on, I start feeling proud of myself in a way. Because I don’t have the heating on yet, and I’m fine. Money is not even what I think about then, just that I am able to tolerate more cold or something stupid like that. I have no idea why I do that. It’s completely in line with my ideology and party work. But it still happens. Why do humans do this?


  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    131 year ago

    Responsibilities are piling up, I’m failing my classes after coming back from a college hiatus, nothing is right.

    • DankZedong OPA
      91 year ago

      What are the responsibilities, how do they interfere with college and why can’t they be mixed you think?

      • @Idliketothinkimsmart
        11 year ago

        It’s a bunch of stuff, but I think maybe I’m exaggerating how much it is. I don’t know. I have to apply for a bunch of government programs, gather some files for something the apartment management is asking for :(, class, work, party stuff, and some weird family stuff is happening and all these deadlines get so overwhelming at times…I think I’m just poor at planning tbh. Been missing a few meetings and some deadlines for stuff.