I have a partner in my polycule relationship that is going to date someone from Ukraine. 😒

I have a problem. I can respect that ANY Ukrainian is likely pissed about the Donbas war and the Russian SMO.

I dont know this man. And Im already disgusted with myself for being prejudiced.

My partner is a socially progressive liberal. And they once tried taking me to task about China once before.

I told them it was best we never talked global politics.

But I will absolutely 100% lose my entire shit if my partner starts going openly rah rah for Ukraine.

My partner says they love and adore me. But they dont have a deep appreciation of me being a Tankie and they deserve to know. They deserve to understand or at least know who I am.

I cant abide a lover living in a lie and giving their love on a misunderstanding.

How do I approach this diplomatically and in good faith? Because Im probably gonna have to meet this guy and frankly… He is a Ukrainian in the US. Im being prejudiced; but I am automatically expecting this guy to obviously be against Russia and at best; reactionarily supporting Azov and Banderites simply because they’re the ones fighting.

  • @cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    Not every Ukrainian is pro-Nazi. Many are. Many have bought into the pro-Maidan Ukrainian and western media’s propaganda and many have been indoctrinated over the last 8 years. But before judging someone i’d advise to first find out where they stand. There are still a lot of Ukrainians who see the utter corruption of the Banderite regime and who are completely cynical and skeptical about anything their government tells them, more so than westerners are because they actually have/had to live under that regime so they aren’t as easy to fool by propaganda painting a rosy picture of Ukraine as a beacon of democracy. If they do turn out to be a Nazi supporter and if that rubs off on your friend to the point they go full on brainwashed Ukraine flag in bio, dehumanizing Russians type zombie, then it may be advisable to put that relationship on hold, until the general enthusiasm for the conflict peters out and Ukraine supporters become disillusioned and start seeing they have been duped.

    The mood will start to shift eventually, conditions especially in Europe but also in the US are getting worse and worse, soon they’ll have their plates so full with their own problems most people won’t have the bandwidth to care about Ukraine anymore no matter how hard the media is pushing it. Could be this winter, could be next winter but it will happen. The ruling class has no solutions.

    • @GloriousDoubleKOP
      41 year ago

      Indeed. I am fully and I mean FULLY aware that im being unfair to this man. But… I am also being unfair allowing my partner believe that im the kind of ally they might think I am.