I remember months ago noticing reddit knockoffs popping up and drawing reddit users, admittedly, mostly in fash groups. Question is, are these sites (i can find them if you’re unfamiliar) dedicated to hate groups, or are they platforms that already have the full reddit functionality and potential userbase? Similarly, is “communism.Lemmy” like a Weebly page for us? Insofar as our subs are all contained within the communism page, and our accounts are restricted to the communism portion of this site?

What makes this site distinct from Reddit and other copycats, and how can we improve it going forward? One advantage I can already see of course is that we share an ideology and hopefully our information is not being sold.

  • @pimento
    4 years ago

    I’m not really familiar with the other Reddit alternatives, but afaik none of them are actually open source (might be wrong). Not sure what “weebly” means, but we have two instances that are completely seperate for now, lemmygrad.ml and lemmy.ml. But we are implementing federation with activitypub, so that instances can connect to each other, similar to Mastodon.

    If you want to contribute, check out the documentation. (/u/dessalines we should add a link to the git repo and/or issue tracker in there.)

    • Muad'DibberMA
      34 years ago

      Ya, good call. Its at the bottom of the page, IE the Code link, but I’ll add it to the contributing docs too.

      • @pimento
        34 years ago

        Fixing it is easy, but making a PR is too annoying and you dont let me commit to master :p

    • @LeftBrainOP
      34 years ago

      ok, cool. Weebly is just a free website host, wherein if you use their page, your site URL will come out like Communism.Weebly.com