There’s this event that is starting to get traction in Europe (I don’t know in the rest of the world), that on November 4th, at 9:10 am, women work for free for the rest of the year due to wage disparities between men and women.

Clarification: women are not refusing pay, the event is that they (as well as men) are highlighting the fact that after that date, they are essentially working for free.

Truthfully I’m not sure what to think of this or say about it. I mean, the purpose of noting this event is to bring awareness to wage disparities and inequality. But I can’t help but feel it lacks revolutionary character. All wage labour is labour done for free, it is not unique to wage disparity among other lines.

What are your thoughts? How do we repackage this into a revolutionary outlook?

  • DankZedong A
    51 year ago

    So do women actually make less money than their male counterparts in the same job?

    I’ve had this explained to me that the whole gender wage gap could be explained by maths, as there are less women working, so the average salary of a woman is therefore lower on paper but not in reality or something like that.

    It’s been a while since I’ve thought about this but the way I remember it makes no sense at all right now. Can anyone elaborate on this, maybe?

    • @seanchai
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • DankZedong A
        81 year ago

        I like how whenever I ask a question, you’re often quick to reply. In my headcanon you get a notification whenever I ask a question. ‘Babe, please watch the soup for a second. It says right here that DankZedong has a question again so I have to come in’

        This explanation makes more sense. You got any theory or vids or something you recommend about this?

        • @seanchai
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator