Unfortunately it didn’t spawn Marx or Engels :( I think I triggered it too late. Or just unlucky.

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    21 year ago

    Well, in fairness I haven’t played multiplayer, but in general this is still close to nothing in comparison to how important economy laws were in victoria 2.

    and interventionism is by far the easiest one to play in victoria 3, since it lets you subsidize everything. So much less in depth by comparison.

    • @MunrockOP
      21 year ago

      Wow, factory output is higher under laissez faire than in a planned economy? I wonder if it’s because of the naturally innovative nature of the entrepeneuers, or just the omniscient guidance of the unfettered invisible hand of the market 🤢

      Thank fuck they removed that liberal BS for the latest iteration.

      • ☭CommieWolf☆
        21 year ago

        Yeah, but if you played vic2 you’d know its the absolute worst economic policy, because you lose all control over your industry and the capitalists build useless factories that go bankrupt and end up shutting down after firing all the workers. The output bonus was probably just an attempt to balance it out in game, but it still falls flat.