In contrast, they’re not really the barbarians we were talking about(, in french)(, on Stockholm syndrome).

And yeah, of course, so much destruction, and so many deaths, necessary apparently.
Wikipedia talks about 100.000 deaths since 1920(, and more than 7 million refugees), but that doesn’t include those who died in jail, outside conflicts, nor infant mortality or other deaths due to living conditions. Others speak about 2 million deaths(, or even more than 5 million).

  • soumerd_retardataireOP
    10 months ago

    There’s a video, but not many articles, and even if it was fake the israelis will continue to hurt while acting as the victims, we(sterners) have to somehow find a way to give back from the territory we took, until then we(sterners) can’t claim the moral high ground(, even more considering the unbalanced ratio of deaths/wounded/destructions/…).

    On your criticism that “it’s not that bad since he’s from the other side”, it’s unfortunately also something i’ve seen here and on hexbear. Fascists for example, or royalists, or so-called “anarcho”-capitalists, shouldn’t be destroyed because they chose fascism, but because they don’t want to live with communists, whoever wants to live in peace with me isn’t an enemy.
    In the case of Israel we have to give something of equal value if we want to obtain these lands.
    In the case of Ukraine, it’s a civil war among eastern//western ukrainians in which Russia had a more important interest than euro-americans.
    In the case of Taiwan, it would have been recovered less than a few years after the civil war ended if not for the u.s.a.
    In the case of the nazis, the cause for the world wars, and a few decades before, was because the disparition of the countries without colonies(, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Austria, …,) was a certainty in regard to the english and french empire(, Denmark, …)(, Spain&Portugal colonies were falling into american hands), decolonization was never envisioned seriously by anyone, these little countries had to seize the occasion to get these colonies or accept their fate and disappear, the kind of thing leaders were very aware of but wouldn’t like to talk about publicly since that would be either an arrogant reminder from the empires, or a veiled threat from the (now )little countries. They won western europe and would have liberated them in exchange for a lot of their colonies, but hated communism too much for their own good apparently(, and/or for some other reason, perhaps because the u.s.s.r.'s attack was imminent, the anti-fascist hate was much present in communist propaganda of the 30s), the unnecessary u.s.a. prevented Stalin from delivering western Europe from capitalism. You don’t kill fascists but talk with them, Internet isn’t there yet to enable that but it’ll come.
    In the case of i.s.i.s., i don’t understand how they could mobilise such a manpower without gaining in political elections, God-fearing people can only be virtuous if they’re honest.

    If we dislike a movement, we can try to live with it instead of destroying it. If both sides agree to live together then wars aren’t necessary.
    We usually don’t trust the other side to be as virtuous as us, though, nor have we ~ever established effective conditions to force both sides to comply to (the spirit of )their “friendship/brotherhood treaty”, and no-one is immune from propaganda/misconceptions/mistakes/‘their lack of omniscience’.
    Usually one side will refuse to cede to the demands of the other, that’s why wars break out, and i can’t agree, both sides can always choose to be united in diversity, and wars always happen because one/both sides claims that it’s impossible.

    Sry for the rambling.

    • DamarcusArt
      10 months ago

      The person you’re responding to is joking, but I get the sentiment. I too have seen lemmitors say that these people “don’t count” because they are on the “terrorist team” or whatever. It’s maddening to see how quickly their empathy goes away as soon as a group becomes the designated villain of the week.