• loathesome dongeater
    2 years ago

    Also very good support for cbzs in koreader if you like reading manga. Got Kobo for the same reason myself.

    Edit: I think OP is more concerned with deDRMing ebooks from Amazon rather than sideloading them.

    • Cold Hotman
      22 years ago

      I didn’t know that. I used to read comics on my previous e-book, but since it was only grey scale I opted for a tablet. This was back in the day when colour e-ink was a dream lol.

      • loathesome dongeater
        22 years ago

        colour eink is still pretty expensive. another problem with reading comic books and graphic novels is that their page size is much bigger than the average ebook reader screen size. So the text becomes illegible after zooming out. Mangas are usually smaller in dimension so this isn’t a problem with them. Plus koreader has a mode where it crops out monochrome boundaries out of view which helps.