For me right now it’s either noodles with random veggies, tofu and a spicy sauce. Simple, easy to make and cheap. But really nutritious.

Or it’s classic Dutch kale stamp:

But with a veggie sausage as I don’t eat meat. It’s potatoes, kale, sausage and piccalilly sauce (sweet sauce made of pickles). It’s a great meal before or after a heavy workout and it’s very healthy. And great on a cold fall or winter day.

  • SovereignState
    42 years ago

    Absolutely… and from my understanding the “organic” shit they peddle doesn’t tend to be any better for you, or even less pesticide-infused than the non-organic stuff. In my experience it just tends to rot quicker. Sweet peas are 50c a can where I’m at and they’re a staple food for me. Vegetarian canned chili costs just as much as beef canned chili. Supplement my diet with nutritional yeast and flax+chia seeds, the latter two being pretty expensive but they last a long time. You don’t even need to spend a whole lot to eat somewhat healthy as a vegetarian, just have to be able to wade through all the over-advertised and expensive crap to find affordable fruits and veggies.