Quit nicotine two weeks ago, vaping, cigs, patches, everything, done with it. I’m going nuts if I’m being honest. It was fine the first week, which I guess was weird, but the this last week has been a nightmare, everything I do is difficult and annoying I’m itchy all over, can’t focus on anything, I have cried like seven times since yesterday over the dumbest things. I dropped my chopsticks on the ground, and cried as I was cleaning them because they were dirty I guess?

Nicotine makes my anxiety way worse and I have known for years that I need to stop, but it helped me get off hard drugs so I was partial to it and always made excuses. Finally decided to do it with my partners support. It’s been hard, but I’m gonna do it.

  • DankZedong A
    22 years ago

    I used them to do cope with kicking off of hard drugs. Smoked a pack a day and sometimes two pack when I went out to party. At age 22 I had difficulties with walking up a stairs due to bad stamina.

    But I quit and haven’t smoked in years now. The beginning was very hard. Some drugs were easier to quit really. But I kept thinking about all the horrible things that could happen, and my grandma died of lung cancer in the process as well. It sucks for now, but things get better quickly, I promise. And when you quit smoking you get a lot of it in return. It’s good for your skin and teeth, it’s really good for your overall health and if you quit long enough you’ll never want to touch a cig again.