• @XiangMaiOP
    33 years ago
    ERROR! no actio detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path. 
    The error appears to have been in /home/derfen/lemmy/ansible.yml': line 104, column 5, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax of the problem. 
    The offending line appears to be: 
    -name: start docker-compose

    No I’ve not made any changes to the lemmy.yml file

    • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
      23 years ago

      I just tried, and it runs fine for me with Ansible 2.10 and Python 3.9. Which versions do you have?

      • @XiangMaiOP
        23 years ago

        Thanks com, I am on debian 10 so have python 3.7 and ansible 2.7

          • @XiangMaiOP
            33 years ago

            Thanks comm

            So I ran this

            ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker

            But get

            -downloading role 'collection', owned by  
            [WARNING]: - collection was NOT installed successfully: Content has no field named 'owned' 
            ERROR! - you can use --ignore-errors to skip failed roles and finish processing the list 
            • @nutomic@lemmy.ml
              23 years ago

              I have never used this Ansible Galaxy, there are also instructions below for installing it via Python.

              • @XiangMaiOP
                23 years ago

                doh this explains why!

                Just gotta figure out how to install 2.9 on debian standard now

                NOTE: Installing collections with ansible-galaxy is only supported in ansible 2.9+

                  • @XiangMaiOP
                    13 years ago

                    Yes I’ve got that working now. I was hoping to host this on my VPC and just do some testing on my desktop to see the site was up etc.

                    I got this now, is there anything I need to do?