A long thread about Asians being fetishized

  • 🏳️‍⚧️ 新星 [she/they]
    10 months ago

    We can’t, because it would be understood the “now” in your comment refers to the time you commented it when there were no other replies

    • relay
      10 months ago

      Thanks comrade for expanding it. I’m not Asian and I’d like to be sensitive to the issue.

      However I don’t see any issue with any particular pairing of an Asian woman with a non Asian man. In a less racist society, more mixed race people are to be expected. I don’t support the Falun Dong.

      Is the issue in fact about Asian men being sidelined for some reason? If there is something culturally about them that makes then less than ideal partners perhaps they can improve themselves. Perhaps we should make more Asian men seen as sexual beings in media to counteract this.

      If this is about Asian women being sexualized, IDK if that is particularly worse than women in general seen mostly as objects of sex in a patriarchal society.

      Sexpats and passport bros are people that have issues socializing and the economic differential allows men in imperial core countries to take marry the prettiest women from imperial periphery countries. The end of US hegemony will stop this from being so popular. Also this does not only affect Asian women, but certainly does affect Asian women.

      Anime also probably contributes to this but mostly Japanese women in particular. Japan’s immigration policies are terrible for foreigners too. Anime characters generally don’t look that east Asian and their eyes are kind of wide. Yes many of the harem anime shows are very patriarichal and viewing of women as sex obects and erasing homosexual and trans people, but some Anime does show it well like Kyo Animation and various Yawi and yuri media. Japanese society generally doesn’t treat women that well compared to many first world nations which should be addressed by Japanese women, artists, and activists in Japan. Anime is probably worse in the regard to which the medium seems to have an advocacy for or indifference to pedophilia.

      I’m trying to be as intersectional as possible. Please enlighten me if i am being ignorant in any manner or expand the intersectional analysis of the sexualization of Asian women.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        10 months ago

        ^^^ especially about the anime point. A lot of weird child-related stuff about 8000 yr old dragons that “appear as 8 year old girls” that ain’t for me, miss me w that

      • GreatSquare
        10 months ago

        So ignorant it’s cringe worthy.

        “I don’t see any issue with any particular pairing of an Asian woman with a non Asian man”

        No one else brought that pairing up.

        Fuck I hate weebs. Shit on Japanese society while beating off over anime.

        • relay
          10 months ago


          They brought it up.

          Enlighten me please rather than simply call it cringe. Book recommendations?

          Are there interesting ways that Japanese feminism has made headways that I’m unaware of?

          I want to make this a long thread too ;)

          • GreatSquare
            10 months ago

            Fanon “Black Skin, White Masks”: Chapter 2 “The Woman of Color and the White Man”

              • relay
                10 months ago

                I read that chapter of Fannon.


                It certainly does highlight how women of color hate themselves and other people of color of their own race. They should kill the white man that criticizes them in their own head and look at themselves as fully human. Various friends of POC friends of mine tell me when they underestimate their capabilities in front of white people. Certainly people of color should be encouraged to give the same empathy that they have for white people to all people regardless of their race, especially themselves. Fannon talk about lynchings and double standards which I agree should be discouraged to the point of annhilation. People should not be disrespected on account of their heritage to the point that they develop a complex about it.

                I think this would be a more relevant article: https://www.npr.org/2021/03/19/979340013/a-sociologists-view-on-the-hyper-sexualization-of-asian-women-in-american-societ

                What can be done to undermine this hypersexualization of east Asian women?

                • GreatSquare
                  10 months ago

                  They should kill the white man that criticizes them in their own head and look at themselves as fully human.

                  What? It’s not coming from their own head.

                  You literally said the Asian man has to improve themself culturally because they are less than ideal. Fanon was talking about how white society paints people of color as inferiors who are tainted by their backwards culture. The white man saves the woman of color by civilizing her. It’s not her race that is the issue: She can reject her own culture to become better than her peers. The same does not apply when flipping the genders as mentioned in the next chapter “The Man of Color and the White Woman”.

                  In the same way, you claimed Japanese culture was inferior to the “first world” and Japanese women were better off in this first world. You gave the example of anime, when actually you could be a much bigger anime fan than the average Japanese.

                  That’s the same as sexpat talk which is why it’s cringe.

                  • relay
                    10 months ago

                    It is the Japanese people’s responsibility to sort out how their culture evolves themselves, not western opinion. I know Japan is not what is depicted in Anime. however https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/The-Big-Story/Inside-Japan-s-gender-problem-The-men-tasked-with-empowering-women

                    I’m generally supportive of feminist movements, and I know holding back economic development and social development is generally what imperialism does. Imperialist superpowers take out progressive/communists out of power and put in conservatives/fascists. The people domestically still can fight back for justice, then things improve. Some cultures may be socially backwards in some manner now, but that can and will change over time. It is not the responsibility of westerners to civilize socially backward countries. It is the responsibility of the people to domestically push progressive policy into their socially backwards country.

                    Also note that I’m not saying that Japanese women are better off if they move to the european/colonizer countries by all standards. I also think Japan is a particular Asian country with a particular situation that does not necessarily map for all Asian countries. Japan seems more like an imperial core country than a periphery country in terms of imperialism, but politically a puppet of the USA.

                    I’m not sure to what degree the African diaspora experience matches with the Asian diaspora experience. I suspect that’s going to change soon with the rise of China.

                    I’m not speaking normatively about sexpats. I’m just saying that they are doing what they can get away with in a global imperialist capitalist system. I personally think it is REALLY UNBELIEVABLY shitty to treat one’s romantic partner as less than human. I generally assume there is often some form of exploitation with every sexpat relationship, so I’m not arguing with you on that point.