A long thread about Asians being fetishized

  • relay
    1 year ago

    It is the Japanese people’s responsibility to sort out how their culture evolves themselves, not western opinion. I know Japan is not what is depicted in Anime. however https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/The-Big-Story/Inside-Japan-s-gender-problem-The-men-tasked-with-empowering-women

    I’m generally supportive of feminist movements, and I know holding back economic development and social development is generally what imperialism does. Imperialist superpowers take out progressive/communists out of power and put in conservatives/fascists. The people domestically still can fight back for justice, then things improve. Some cultures may be socially backwards in some manner now, but that can and will change over time. It is not the responsibility of westerners to civilize socially backward countries. It is the responsibility of the people to domestically push progressive policy into their socially backwards country.

    Also note that I’m not saying that Japanese women are better off if they move to the european/colonizer countries by all standards. I also think Japan is a particular Asian country with a particular situation that does not necessarily map for all Asian countries. Japan seems more like an imperial core country than a periphery country in terms of imperialism, but politically a puppet of the USA.

    I’m not sure to what degree the African diaspora experience matches with the Asian diaspora experience. I suspect that’s going to change soon with the rise of China.

    I’m not speaking normatively about sexpats. I’m just saying that they are doing what they can get away with in a global imperialist capitalist system. I personally think it is REALLY UNBELIEVABLY shitty to treat one’s romantic partner as less than human. I generally assume there is often some form of exploitation with every sexpat relationship, so I’m not arguing with you on that point.

    • GreatSquare
      1 year ago

      In neocolonialism, the colonized women oppresses themselves. This is what Fanon described. They considered that being in a relationship with a white man was being elevated because they considered their own race and society as socially backwards. Hence they aren’t exploited.

      • relay
        1 year ago

        That part is in their heads is it not? A whiteness within themselves to distance themselves from other colored people like them is within the responsibility of themselves.

        On one hand people are responsible interrogate their own biases created by their material and social conditions. On the other hand our collective responsibility is to work to promote policy that undermines racism by changing those material and social conditions.

        Whiteness and coloredness are social constructs contingent on the movement of history. To insist that this racism is not ephemeral is anti revolutionary. I’m not saying it is solved at the moment mind you, but as communists we must do our part to make racial hierarchies a thing of the past.

        If you are talking about white men in general being passport bros being shitty and probably leads to a miserable marriage, yea they suck.

        • GreatSquare
          1 year ago

          That part is in their heads is it not? A whiteness within themselves to distance themselves from other colored people like them is within the responsibility of themselves.

          They didn’t create the racial hierarchy. That was the colonizer. Don’t blame the victim for following the rules created by the rule makers. A white man is placed higher in Western society so it’s not their personal bias at all.

          as communists we must do our part to make racial hierarchies a thing of the past.

          Then don’t call other countries socially backwards when you are using a capitalist measuring stick to compare them to the West. Just because there are more girlbosses in Western countries doesn’t make up for the exploitation of a far greater number of underclass women. As Fanon pointed out, the more “liberated” bourgeois white French woman lived off the back of exploited French black colonial servants. That doesn’t make France the more forward society at all.