Being Black in the EU – Experiences of people of African descent

“Almost half of people of African descent in the EU face racism and discrimination in their daily life – a rise since 2016. Racist harassment and ethnic profiling are also common, especially for young people, finds a new survey from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)”

Summary of Findings:

Full Report:

  • Beat_da_Rich
    11 months ago

    Just had lunch with an ex-pat friend visiting from Germany. They said Germans as a whole are so much more unabashed about their racism compared to Americans. America is racist, but race is such a tiptoe topic because of our history and institutional problems.

    They said living in Germany is wild. They encounter so much casual racism it’s shocking (compared to the Southern US too). And the people have this arrogant notion that because they “learned” from the Holocaust, they can’t possibly be racist. They’re above any criticism.