Firstly, I would put extreme harsh rules and regulations on the police system, heck, there might be something else that will ACTUALLY protect the people. When I watched the Dahmer series, I realized how useless the US police is. A 14 year old boy escaped Dahmer begging for help and the police literally RETURNED the boy back to Dahmer. Fucking sickening and really angered me.

Also here’s a list of things I would imply as soon as revolution happens.

  1. Minority rights, reparations, and destroying US disgusting army bases in other people’s countries.
  2. LGBTQ+ and trans rights. (Basically human rights lol)
  3. 100% abortion rights, and free healthcare for all
  4. Abolishing of the police system.
  5. Removal of liberal media sources.
  6. Elimination of the 1%, and the establishment of dictatorship of the proletariat.
  7. Intense funding on education, infrastructure, green energy, and more. Also making sure that the country doesn’t fully rely on electricity and technology just in case we get our grid destroyed and can’t run efficiently.
  8. lol fuck that US debt, never heard of it, in fact, name and flag will be changed.
  9. Farms are gonna stop being on a big business leash. Chickens will no longer be doped up with probiotics and antibiotics and all that horseshit. (Yes US farm some animals are forced to eat shit as a food source.)
  10. Halal meat, and will make big changes to the food industry. No more useless chemicals no one can pronounce in fucking potato chips.
  11. And more!

Please give your opinions on this list, and share your thoughts on what you would change after a successful revolution.

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    A couple of things spring to mind:

    1. Dismantling of state intelligence and “defense” agencies. This can be tricky because a burgeoning revolutionary state would still need its own intelligence, so this probably would look like pardoning and recruitment of whistleblowers as well as ideological testing and education for people with pre-existing security experience, and reaching out to “black hats” and criminal hackers who don’t work on behalf of the state and offering them training/jobs.
    2. Vocational schools and training for criminals generally. The episode of “Hamilton’s Pharmacopia” on Quaaludes in South Africa really opened my mind on this. He shows a man with extreme chemistry talent and knowledge who never finished high school manufacturing quaaludes in his backyard. The man is obviously a savant and says he doesn’t like what he’s doing and the fumes are killing him, but he needs the money. Imagine if people like him were granted subsidized vocational and professional training! Absolute geniuses currently labor under horrible conditions doing things they hate just to get by. They could do great things if the system incentivized it. China has a burgeoning vocational system in place with a focus on getting women out of the sex trade.
    3. Dismantling the U.S. schooling system and rebuilding it. Introduction to Marxism becomes standard curriculum. Degrees in Marxist-Leninist theory, history and practice become available. Remove all barriers to secondary and tertiary education.
    4. Abolish the “felon” class. Anyone who has “served their time” in either a re-education facility or prison and is deemed a non-hazard to others is afforded the same rights as others post-sentence. DPRK has no “felon” class, time served and you are considered a citizen again. Allow current prisoners the right to engage in politics via voting, etc. Abolish prison-slave labor, replace it with payment congruent to the typical pay they would get for their labor on the outside, with exceptions to working at all being taken more seriously in cases of inability. Subsidize more training in prisons including GED style diplomas as well as college degrees. Establish prisoners’ councils where prisoners can voice their concerns over human rights etc.
    5. Either lower the voting age to 16 or change the minimum working age to 18. All workers are to be afforded the ability to engage in politics. Anything else is slavery. Youth groups for the ruling party should be established and encouraged to maintain youth’s passion for the revolution.
    6. As William Blum said he would do if he were president, apologize to the world. In front of the U.N., announce a focus on equal partnership between all peoples and nations and on fostering the strengthening of the global south’s economy and bilateral relationships. Announce the death of U.S. hegemony and imperialism.
    7. The revolutionary successor state becomes plurinational with full autonomy, up to and including the right to secede, for indigenous nations and respect for treaties. This goes for any potential Black Republic or New Afrikan project as well. In the event of a plurinational state, proportional representation of different minority groups at the federal level is mandatory and necessary.
    8. Crack down on religious fundamentalism. Utterly destroy the ties that bind church and state. Maintain the legality of individual religious practice and the ability to create a church with state oversight. Imprison Joel Osteen and Pat Buchanan.

    Many more obv. Just shit I think about regularly.

    • Kaffe
      62 years ago

      Great list!

      Point 6 should include mass debt cancellations owned by US companies or the state itself.

      Also, cancel all mortgages and business loans, transfer ownership to the occupants/tenants of property as a precondition to redistribution and socialization. Cancel student loans. Abolish the fuck out of medical debt immediately. Destroy medical insurance as a parasitic industry.

      These mass debt cancellations will lift the burden on millions of people in the US and billions around the world.

      • SovereignState
        2 years ago

        Absolutely great points. Re:medical insurance industry, back when I had some (sorta sardonic) sliver of faith in Sanders – this is gonna make me sound a bit fucked – one of the things I was most excited about was the thought of all those parasites squirming and shutting down after healthcare was nationalized. Time to get a real job, usurer snakes. Alas, no healthcare for us lol

    • @SunshinerOPM
      52 years ago

      Your list is outstanding, and would be perfect. A few in that list really intrigued me. I will look more into the “Felon” class. I have noticed the hostility America has towards people who have done their time, and how hard it is for them to get jobs.

      Reeducation is a must for the new school systems. If people just knew more about Communism and Marxism, it wouldn’t be dismissed as some “political Satanism.”

      Imprison Joel Osteen and Pat Buchanan.

      Would add Marcus Lamb to that list but that fucker is dead, good riddance. However I would shut down Daystar network, TBN, and Impact network. I would imprison every rich pastor and maybe the small to medium ones who are on their way to scamming everyone for wealth. This religious fundamentalism is becoming a huge mess and I’m sick and tired of it. Also, what do you think about those churches on every corner of a low class minority neighborhood? I’ve driven through plenty before, don’t know what to feel about it…

      • SovereignState
        42 years ago

        Honestly my thoughts on religion have basically gone as such: Christian agnostic - virulent anti-theist - actual Satanist - agnostic - atheist anti-theist - atheist ambivalent to theists. However… after Roe v Wade that changed again. Religion can be allowed to exist in a socialist society, but the people’s state needs to have an iron, dictatorial grip over it. Religious extremist movements can be the death-knell for socialist revolution. Anti-woman rhetoric stemming from religion needs to be outlawed. Hatred against proletarians or people based on their phenotype, gender, sexual orientation stemming from a church? Sanction it. If it’s violently hateful, shut it down and arrest its leaders.

        Contrary to what conservative idiot Christians would have you believe, there are plenty of Christians in China and the DPRK. The thing they don’t like is that the churches are state-sponsored and thusly answer to the state. They’re not allowed to preach sadism, sedition or hate like they are in the west. Good. We see from the remnants of Soviet “repression” of religion in Russia today which is ruled in part by Orthodox quasi-fascists with way too much sway over legislature. In studying the past and the present, I’ve come to a rather bleak but, imo, undeniable conclusion: the Soviets didn’t go far enough.

        So I guess you could say I’ve come to a bit of a militant or radical anti-theist conclusion. When it comes to these little churches, it ofc depends. Are they preaching hate? Are they friendly with the revolutionary state and refrain from preaching sedition? Are they taking advantage of the disenfranchised for cheap labor and extortionary tithes? Do they attempt to utilize their religious influence to impact legislation or politics? Allow them to exist, keep a close eye on them, and sanction or even dismantle them if they step out of line.

        Revolutionary education should not mandate atheism to the masses necessarily. Marx said religion is the opiate of the masses, and with a more fully realized humanity we will be able to overcome the more negative aspects of religiosity and superstition. Without poverty, homelessness, and with a world that cares and acts in the best interest of its denizens, people will no longer have to turn to God for help. (Sorry all my posts are so long idk when to shut up lol)

        • @SunshinerOPM
          32 years ago

          Well said, comrade. I don’t mind allowing religion as long as they’re not preaching hate. It’s a shame how the US constitution is barely acknowledged and how the other laws in the US contradict each other. The laws only favor the rich, and as long as the preachers are rich, and the small ones are paying off the bigger ones, they’re not getting in trouble for anything.

          Could you give a title of what works Marx stated that in? I’m interesting in reading more on religion from his viewpoint. Thank you! :))