In a nutshell, mine would be:

  • “My favorite color is red. Imma look up economic systems. Wait, what is socialism? Hey! The socialists like red! Oooooooh, their books are also red! I’m sure that these will be good reads-”
  • A few hours later
  • “Huh, I’m an ML now. I regret nothing.”

Though, I’m just asking what was the dumbest reason you get radicalized left-wards.

  • @KimJongGoku
    2 years ago

    This is way too much information, but to be honest I’ve struggled (or rather, didn’t struggle lol) with what turned out to be symptoms of SzPD for a long time so I am pretty familiar with feeling like nothing matters and the world just moving without you.

    One of the biggest things that changed through therapy and trying to work on myself was becoming more aware that that’s not a good thing and that it’s at least possible to try and make an effort to change that. Then, as I started thinking about other people more I also started seeing parallels between how I was thinking about what was keeping me down and how living in a capitalist system (in many ways purposefully) limits the way people in general participate in society and are alienated from each other and themselves.

    It’s pretty dumb and I don’t know if it makes sense to anyone except me, but that’s basically how I started being interested in any of this after not really caring much at all.