So i can stop working full time but still have to go to the food bank

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Main problem is verification services like

Apparently people can also just call the registrar’s office and verify student name, major, degree, and year awarded.

If you are willing to pay around 500 dollars you will get degrees official transcripts and pretty much everything you need. But like i’m not sure if what to do with official transcripts, like during the interview just throwing them down on the table randomly would look sus.

    22 years ago

    In my experience lying doesn’t need to be done at all. I approach jobs/interviews with fit in mind for me. I am not pitching myself just informing them of my skills, work style, etc. Knowing that I am not creating unreasonable expectations of what I can do means that I can be confident on day 1. For me bringing piece of mind is way more important than some job that I wasn’t even qualified for.

        22 years ago

        Yeah, I have been there. I’ve spent all of my free time going place to place looking for any work that suited me. Found restaurant work, janitor work, random labor, and finally, while doing combinations of those and volunteer work in my field, something that paid in my field. Just a strategy and how I wanted to live my life. You do you if you see a better path.