Okay so hear me out, please.

Tyranids, as all other “hivemind aliens” have likely been created originally as part of the Red Scare. Don’t think I need to explain this one. GW took it a step further with Genestealers - who use rousing rhetoric (and mind control) to make “the masses” rise up against their oppressors, but are ultimately devoured by the swarm. They (GW) don’t shy away from giving GSCs imagery very blatantly inspired by Communist art.


As always with anti-communist fiction, it is projection. And the things depicted work much better for capitalism. After all, what drives Tyranids? Hunger. That’s it, just endless appetite, voracious desire to have ALL, even if it means stripping entire planets bare. No deviation from the dogma is allowed, just look at the western media and try telling me it’s not a “hivemind”.

And if we go to Genestealers, what are they if not an allegory for colour “revolutions”? Using sweet sounding rhetoric about brotherhood, unity and freedom they force the proletariat to weaken and destroy their society in order for the cult’s foreign masters to sweep in and devour it all.

Thank you for reading.

    • @orc2
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

    • @Shrike502OP
      32 years ago

      The title alone is interesting. Thanks!

        • @Shrike502OP
          32 years ago

          Oh yes! Quite an interesting read and very accurate for the topic at hand. Thank you

            • @Shrike502OP
              32 years ago

              To elaborate a little, since I feel it deserves elaboration - the author’s “first chtulhu” is something that I’ve felt for a while now, even before coming upon Marxist thought. This feeling of absolute powerlessness and settling madness, as forces beyond my control or comprehension slowly, but surely grind away the world. One of the reasons I was never big on horror as a genre - if I wanted to feel existential dread and no ability to save myself, I’d just open the news.

              But the second chtulhu, as the article calls it, now that one is new to me. Not sure yet if I wholly agree with the idea, or with the broader idea of claiming the mantle of “dark power” (see for example pro-Russian jingoists calling themselves Mordor and Horde). The capitalist already dehumanise me plenty, why should I help? This requires pondering.

              But again, thanks for the link.