Con el 81,89% de los votos escrutados, el candidato de Unión por la Patria se impuso y se medirá en una segunda vuelta con el postulante de La Libertad Avanza, quien obtuvo el 30,35%. Por su parte, Patricia Bullrich, de Juntos por el Cambio, quedó en tercer lugar con el 23,69%. Schiaretti obtuvo el 7,18% y Bregman el 2,64%. | CNN Radio Argentina | CNN
Nothing is certain but it seems like there’s a high chance he won’t and we will have a Peronist government. Everything can change in a month, so who knows, but things are looking positive and this has fractured the right. If Cambiemos joins Milei they will basically kamikaze their own party, and at the same time Milei will be accepting those he called thiefs (not like the population has any kind of political memory, though) so he’s in a hard spot. Literally the first thing he did after this was to congratulate Macri’s cousin for winning as a governor for Bs As, fucking sell out.
So is Captain Ancap going to win or not?
Nothing is certain but it seems like there’s a high chance he won’t and we will have a Peronist government. Everything can change in a month, so who knows, but things are looking positive and this has fractured the right. If Cambiemos joins Milei they will basically kamikaze their own party, and at the same time Milei will be accepting those he called thiefs (not like the population has any kind of political memory, though) so he’s in a hard spot. Literally the first thing he did after this was to congratulate Macri’s cousin for winning as a governor for Bs As, fucking sell out.