Disclaimer: I’m not a troll, I used to be very (too) active on GZD here and on reddit. Feel free to search through my history here or on reddit over 1 month ago. There’s also this using Pushshift. Regarding my name “Pinkeston” because the trueanon people kept pointing that out. It’s a play on words from the 1996 Weezer album “Pinkerton” (which I used to love but can’t listen to anymore because it’s incelly) but it’s “pinkest” so it’s more “pink” than “pinker”. I never knew of the “American private security guard and detective agency” when I chose this username 4 years ago

About 3-4 weeks ago I double steeped about 6g of shrooms to make a ridiculously strong tea, and while there’s so much about that trip that I could write about, I just want to talk about the title. I wanted to post this earlier but waited this long because there’s always an afterglow where you’re still affected by the drugs but that completely went away after only 2 days for me and I still feel the same or possibly even stronger as I did immediately after the trip

During the trip, I thought about the Russia Ukraine war since that’s kind of always on my mind and I imagined all the suffering that was occurring on the land. For a very slight bit I was dropped in the middle of the war field on the ground and experienced all the destruction and death around me and I cried and wept for all the victims that are experiencing Hell RIGHT NOW

I realized that resisting and escalating tensions can only lead to more harm and suffering. The fighting will never end. The total amount of deaths and pain caused worldwide in 100 years of resistance will be mountains higher than no resistance at all

Violence only breeds more violence. No matter what the politics are (NATO expansion, Azov massacres in Donbas, etc.), you can’t solve those issues with just more war

The only way to create a peaceful just world is to change it through companionship and love. Forcefully submitting others to your will only creates more suffering and oppression that will result in never ending cycles

Revolutionaries who have overthrown kings and dictators, workers that have forced their company’s hand by going on strikes, and even people who have gone against their employer/state by leaking secrets like Snowden, Manning, and Assange

I can respect their well-meaning intentions but all of these only contribute or create new problems that are the exact same ones they were trying to solve

I’m asking all of you to please consider and realize all the harm you’d be doing by even just unionizing at work. It’s a slippery slope to mass destruction and suffering. No more resisting for the sake of EVERYBODY

Make love not war

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    2 years ago

    The only thing pacifism is good for is protecting the status quo against those who might actually change it.

    All politics is warfare. All warfare is political. The right will gladly murder and die to protect the “sanctity” of their religion, race, and values. If we’re not also ready to do the same, they’ll have no problem killing us all.

    Warfare is no place for moralism, and it’s certainly no place for pacifism. War is ugly, most choices cause suffering, there is no winning a moral battle in war. A militant must divorce themself from their morality when it comes to beating the opposition, especially when the opposition is supported by the status quo. We can not win as revolutionaries unless we take measures that will make moralists unhappy.

    Fascists will not simply stop leading genocides if we ask them nicely. The only way to stop the violence is to wipe them out, occupy the territory they’re leading the genocide in, and actively protect the affected group. Without the second world war the Jews may have been eradicated. Without the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Ukrainians in Donbas might also have been eradicated in time, along with the Roma, Jews, and other groups targetted by the Ukrainian fascists. The war in Ukraine might cause suffering, but it’s justified because when Russia wins, the shelling of Donbas will end and peace will finally come to the region.

    In the sense of political violence, we can not beat the bourgeois class unless we unionize. We can not have demands met unless we march. We can not ensure the safety of our communities unless we arm ourselves.

    What makes us different from right-wing radicals is our compassion. And that’s a valuable asset to living as a radical. But that compassion has no place in our tactical theory, and allowing it to become too prevalent in one’s dialectics will only pave the way for a fall to liberalism.

    Revolutions survive on the backs of those who are willing to achieve them at any (reasonable) cost. We have nothing to lose but our chains, if we have to throw down our lives to achieve liberation, so-be-it. If we have to risk our jobs to gain a higher wage or a better working condition for our coworkers, so-be-it. If we have to risk our freedom to prevent the murder of minorities, so-be-it.

    I’m not condoning terrorism, or telling anyone to go out and be violent. But I am warning against allowing one’s heart to get too in the way of their brain, if you should fail to keep your mind on the goal you’ll only become a counter-revolutionary.