Before I start: I have not read Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism. I have the book, but I’m reading “Anarchism or Socialism?” By Stalin now to brush up on DialMat(every now an then I confuse Idealism and Metaphysics). I was wondering is this definition of Imperialism and the facts they use to back used in good faith and not just a “Yea they totally aren’t imperialist don’t worry” take on Russia? Sorry if that was worded weird, lmk thanks

  • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
    2 years ago

    Nice! I actually had similar criticisms, I also think some of their definitions lead to a an understanding of an Imperialist China (which I definitely don’t believe in, their production was HINDERED by foreign imperialism if anything) so thanks for checking it out; One thing I will admit to is that this article is NOT the most recent but I think their foreign investment has likely decreased recently given the Russophobia as of late