• Soviet Snake
    212 years ago

    Do you know which country we do know that has committed crimes against humanity yet they were not punished for it? The US. And the whole of Europe. The rape of America is not that far back in time you know, we are still living its consequences, some reparations would be welcome, I don’t understand why Anglophones and Westerners think it’s too late to pay back or some shit. Own and fix your shit, then you can do stuff about other nations.

      • Soviet Snake
        122 years ago

        I mean, Belice and French Guyana, Hawai’i and Puerto Rico are still colonies, but it is all right because they are democracies.

        • @lxvi
          62 years ago

          Not to mention that the Navy just poisoned Hawaii’s drinking water causing a significant rise in illness. That was a story that came and went, if the people obsessed with China even bothered to read about it at all. The treatment of Puerto Rico after it was destroyed by the Hurricane was beyond a humanitarian crisis. Imagine striping a people of the ability to protect themselves from the environment and then completely abandoning them. The only thing people faintly remember about that is Trump tossing toilet paper to refuges as if he was at a ballgame.

          We have no power over what China does or doesn’t do, nor should we; but we have plenty of control over Jackson, Mississippi having no access to potable water.

          Willfully abandoning your own people to die is genocide. Where is the UN?