In light of user Wisconcom’s community Hoxhaism (created using an alternate account named Ouisconkom), and the anti-China/anti-Mao sectarianism that permeates the rhetoric of the community. It has come to our attention that some members of the community are unhappy with this sort of content being allowed.

In the past, we’ve removed other Ultra-leftists, such as Patriotic Socialists, for their sectarianism. And some of the admins feel this might be a time to do that again.

Lemmygrad’s success depends on transparency and communication between the user base and the admins, so we would like the Lemmygrad community to tell us how they feel about this possible issue.

  • @Munrock
    172 years ago

    it would be nice if it could spark some actual meaningful debate.

    Screenshot of rule 3 in that community as at the time of this comment:

    Pre-emptively shuts down any meaningful debate comparing Hoxhaism to any ideology that Hoxhaism considers to be social-imperialist or revisionist… which is a lot of them.

    Their claims of being open to discussion completely lack substance.

    • @Ouisconkom
      2 years ago

      Hmm… Perhaps that rule could be changed.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
        112 years ago

        IMO, you should change all of the rules that mention “revisionism”, as they’re all a little too sectarian. My suggestion for you would be to find other people who follow Hoxhaist ideology and add them to your moderation team, so these kinds of issues can be resolved collaboratively, rather than it clearly being your personal biases putting your community in a tight spot.

        • @Ouisconkom
          2 years ago

          I am presently waiting for other Hoxhaists to join my community who are active enough for community moderation.