• @ree@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago


    I can almost exclusively chat with my social circle with signal now, been using it since 8-9 years.

    I’ve tried xmpp, matrix and some other. Signal is the only one that stuck, it’s not perfect but it’s fucking fine from my perspective.

    • @SNFi@beehaw.org
      2 years ago

      Well, I force my social circle to use element.io (matrix.org) or they are not going to be able to talk to me. I don’t need to talk to anyone, but they need to talk to me to ask me to help with their stuff, so they are joining to element.io. I never used Signal because asking for a phone number or making closed source claiming it is to stop spammers sounds stupid requirements or arguments.

      I don’t get any spam on matrix.org and on channels we have bots to review and block spammers.

      Also, I neither like how Signal discard F-Droid and forces us to use Google. I think they also use Google Push notifications.

      • @ree@lemmy.ml
        22 years ago

        Element had a lot of issue last time i’ve tested it: push notification issue, convulated ui, e2e encryption disabled by default, slow server.

        I had my own server for a while for my SO and I and we often missed each other messages plus the client was draining my phone battery.

        I love the briding capacity of matrix, I woulf like to spend an evening setting that up in order to aggregate all those messaging apps but I’m afraid it’s not worth it.