I’ve had a crush on a girl for months now. I don’t know why. I just saw her out of no where and thought, “she’s really pretty.” Now I notice her more than anyone else!! Help!!

I don’t want any crushes because I have important things to focus on, but I can’t help but think about her. I find myself fantasizing about hanging out with her and had many dreams about her. And the fact that we made eye contact quite a lot and her appearing out of no where in school did not help at all!!! 😭😭😭

I’ve tried not thinking about her, avoid seeing her, pretending I hate her, pretending she hates me, and even MANIFESTING my feelings to go away. (Which worked for three days 😥) I even tried looking at her more to desensitize myself!! Wanna know what made my feelings come back? The freaking eye contact!! As a loner, any attractive person giving me eye contact makes my heart jump. Especially her!!! And it’s really hard because love songs make me think about her 😭😭

Yeah yeah I know I should talk to her… but it’s hard to bring myself to :(( There’s so many issues. I’m introverted, and I would break down trying to talk to her. Her friends are not someone I would hang around, they kind of give toxic vibes, and I noticed myself being attracted to toxic type of girls, and it happened many times before. Maybe it’s because I come from a toxic household? I don’t know :(


TL;DR I have a hopeless crush on someone, don’t want the feelings because I have more important things to tend to, but these feelings are getting in the way of my thinking and I just think I don’t need those feelings!! Help please 😥

I know I can’t run from feelings, I wish I could 😔 One day I think I’m close to the exit, and then boom, the exit pulls further away from me :(

  • SunshinerOPM
    2 years ago

    One time my sister had to met me up with girl, because I was so scared to talk to her… I was afraid she will judge me because I’m ace, which many people did, turns out she was really sweet about it =) First try and talk to her, if it doesn’t work, find someone else.

    That’s great! I’m glad she was a sweet person :)) Are you two currently friends at the moment?

    Also, I don’t know a great way to approach her. I can’t just walk up to her :( It’s kinda awkward doing that.

    I literally like dinosaurs more than people


    Have you seen that Kurzgesagt video? He established a theory on how dinosaurs might have actually looked back in those times, and how they may have acted! It was really interesting to watch!

    • Kirbywithwhip1987
      2 years ago

      Yes, we are still friends, she is always here for me when I need it and vice versa :)

      Yes, but theropods are too turkey like in that video as far as I remember. Little ones should be turkey like.