Hello, I will post this here as well

The 27th of August, the Belgian city of Ypres (very important Battlefield in the world Wars) will host a far right music festival called Frontnacht. Performing on this festival will be bands that are linked to neonazi and fascist terrorist groups throughout Europe. Belgian left wing groups are now looking for ways to counter this.

Several groups I know of will contact city officials to show their disgust. I don’t think anyone here can help with that, because it has to be somewhat legit.

BUT: the festival also has a site where you can register to volunteer. It would be a shame if, let’s say, the site gets flooded with a massive amount of applications of non existing people.

Here’s the info: We can spam the organizers’ online form looking for volunteers with fake applications: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MDt9IjvxBviLppXxInaQ0L4v2Z1jS9xeRxX33hRrq4Y/viewform?edit_requested=true The more the better. Make it impossible for them to sort through all of this, trying to figure out what is real and what isn’t. TIP for the last field in the form: Belgian mobile phone numbers always follow this format: 04XX XX XX XX.

Open the form in private browsing, submit, reopen from private browsing. Don’t open from your normal browsing because if you are logged into google, you will give them your email address.

Here’s lists of common Belgian first and last names:

https://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/belgium (first names)

https://surnam.es/belgium (last names)

Proximus numbers begin with 047x, Base numbers with 048x, and Mobistar numbers with 049x.

  • I wrote an awful script that makes the process faster by simulating keypresses (on Linux). Much slower than sending requests programmatically, but it probably won’t help to send thousands of applications from one IP address anyway. It requires xsel and xdotool, so it only works with X. You might need to press Tab when loading the form for the first time and/or adjust the timing on some of the sleeps

    Remove the exit at the end if you want it to press Enter for you and loop

    If someone writes a proper script for this, let me know and I’ll remove this garbage

    Also, you should probably do this with Tor, or at least a VPN, unless you live in a socialist country

    rand() { shuf -i 0-$1 -n 1; }
    text() {
        printf -- "$1" | xsel -bi
        xdotool key ctrl+v
        sleep 0.1
        key Tab
    key() {
        xdotool key --clearmodifiers $@
        sleep 0.3
    arrow() {
        [ $(rand 3) = 0 ] && key Down
        key space Tab
    lower() {
        printf $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
    upper() {
        printf $1 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
    sleep 1
    while true; do
    		case $(rand 10) in
    				0) fn=Anne;;
    				1) fn=Bertl;;
    				2) fn=David;;
    				3) fn=Hedvige;;
    				4) fn=Ida;;
    				5) fn=Jan;;
    				6) fn=Marie;;
    				7) fn=Michel;;
    				8) fn=Nathalie;;
    				9) fn=Paul;;
    				10) fn=Philippe;;
    		case $(rand 10) in
    				0) ln=Peeters;;
    				1) ln=Janssens;;
    				2) ln=Maes;;
    				3) ln=Jacobs;;
    				4) ln=Pauwels;;
    				5) ln=Vermeulen;;
    				6) ln=Hermans;;
    				7) ln=Lambert;;
    				8) ln=Aerts;;
    				9) ln=Michiels;;
    				10) ln=Martens;;
    		key Tab Tab Tab
    		text "$(lower $fn).$(lower $ln)@gmail.com"
    		text $ln
    		text $fn
    		for i in 0 0 0 0 0 0; do arrow; done
    		for _ in $(seq 1 6); do
    			[ $(rand 3) = 0 ] && key space
    			key Tab
    		key space Tab Tab
    		text 047$(printf "%07d" $(rand 9999999))
    		key Tab Return
    		key Return
    		sleep 4
    		key Tab Return
    		sleep 4