What do you do in your day when maintaining a healthy lifestyle? What’s your favorite diet and special fitness program? Any advice for fellow beginners?

  • @201dberg
    22 years ago

    Late to the party but intermittent daily fasting is my primary goal. Low carb is a secondary goal. These things serve one main goal which is to keep insulin levels low. High insulin levels is the key that locks your bodies ability to burn fat stores and also promotes your body to store fat. Complex carbs are not as bad and fibre slows down insulin impact even moreso (beans lol). But simple carbs I avoid like the plague up until I have a failure and eat like trash for a day.

    You don’t have to do super low carb if you are fasting for at least 16 hours a day which is basically just eating dinner 3-4 hours before bed then not eating again till lunch (4-5 hours after waking up). This is enough time to reset your insulin levels to base line and promote the body beginning to pull from fat stores without affecting metabolism in a negative way. And it’s easy. You don’t actually have to DO anything. It’s the absence of doing something. It’s just not eating. Most days I have a 20 hour fasting time. I have also done extended day fasting in excess of 5-6 days. Longest time was 6 hours shy of 7 full days. One day I’d like to go 10+. It sounds scary but it’s exhilarating to me. The clarity of mind and alertness. It’s like becoming a whole different person. ALSO if you go 5+ days I discovered that whatever you eat when you come back, your body is going to CRAVE a lot. I came back with some lacto fermented foods I made myself (pickles, peppers, and sauerkraut), some plain Greek yogurt, and salads. So like, ALL the probiotics and a ton of fibrous vegetables. Had salads for a couple days. Then… It’s all I wanted to eat for about 3 months. Like I just wanted salad. I made my own ranch with plain Greek yogurt for extra protein and also had a good amount of eggs.