As you can probably guess based on my profile picture, my favourite animal is
the beluga whale.
And the gorilla, of course.
And you can’t forget the elephant.
And corvids.
And equids.
And dogs.
And cats.
And I think that’s all.
Also what’s your full name and address, asking for a friend
I wouldn’t want to touch one, but octopuses (and other cephalopods) really are incredible, both for intelligence (far ahead of any other molluscs, AFAIK) and some of their unique features (like the mimic octopus)
I like all mammals (even dangerous ones, at a safe distance). Another interesting mammal in the same vein as the meerkat is the naked mole-rat (they’re the only eusocial mammal, although nowhere near as effective as eusocial insects)
Mole rats, maybe that’s what I was thinking instead of meerkats, either way they’re very social and very cool
I think meerkats take turns as lookouts for predators, among other things