Allow me to send you a friendly reminder.

The internet is not people.

In social media, we are bearing witness to the undisciplined thoughts and truths of lots of people. And it’s bad, man. It really is.

You got open fascists and NATO libs just popping off.

But you know. A lot of them are bots or even alphabet shills. The internet is a weapon.

But the truth and the heart of humanity is thought tempered by the constraints of the material and manners. We are mind and body. And the body wants comfort and pleasure.

Story time:

I live in a red state. Our first march for feminine healthcare rights was lead by a communist party.

Today, I spent time enjoying drinks with my lovers in a real worker owned Co Op… in a red state.

I shopped at a big box chain store where the worker said without any prompting that ALL business should be unionized and a co Op.

We live in dark times. But if you look around and speak to the workers and the people; we live in a beautiful opportunity to advance progress.

Dont let the insecurity and panic displayed on the internet poison your revolutionary optimism. The people are hungry for progressive change. ✊

If you’re ever feeling down and out about humanity… talk to a worker. Let them be honest with you.

Remember. Social media is a weapon. A very advanced and inhuman weapon. It isnt as honest as it wants us to believe.

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

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