• @Hagels_BagelsOP
    24 years ago

    LockPickingLawyer seems like a great channel, just shared one of his videos on this.

    Another thing I suppose you could do with regards to tags after you have removed them in the store; put it/them inside a small foil lined booster bag and walk out. It seems that would be more discreet than putting the entire item in a booster bag, as it would only really need to be a small pouch. But definitely make sure that it is wrapped up well with no tears and is not visible or audible especially as you leave the store. Then just dispose of the pouch after leaving. That way there would be no tag for a worker to find.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      4 years ago

      I often link LPL to people who are looking to learn less than legal means of gaining access to objects. his videos are very direct, waste no time, are easy to understand, and he doesn’t cover or restrict anything useful. I personally lean more towards the “lawful while lawless” side of doing illegal shit, and channels like LPL are really fuckin useful for upping my abilities with that.