And here’s the top comment With an actual normal response being downvoted to hell

    52 years ago

    There’s no reason for it lol. My brain just jumped a few parsecs. It started with me quoting you, right, but the quote was about paraphrasing and butchering quotes so… The next obvious step was butchering that quote, so I came up with: quote=quota, horribly=Wh*Rey, paraphrased=paralyzed, and butchered=butchers. It’s dumb lol and probably is only funny to me in my twisted mind.

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @CITRUS
        32 years ago

        Lmao, as if you actually said that and you’re like “how did he know?” or an ad for “single Wh*Rey and paralyzed butchers in your area” lol