• @Munrock
    52 years ago

    Corn? Why corn?

    When I think of corn, I think of the country where it’s in everything, where their economy leans on it so much that they create cultural hallmarks around its flake form and popped form, and shove its syrup form into absolutely fucking everything to the point that its citizens are literally weighed down by the obesity born of all the empty calories… and they still manage to produce such a surplus that their colonies and neo-colonies are saturated in the stuff as well.

    And to top it all off, there’s more corn produced in the world than there is rice, but the endemically racist country I’m describing has propogated the stereotype of Asians being rice eaters while they are ‘steak’ eaters, because steak is a good masculine manly food. It’s fucking bullshit. It’s a corn nation.

    Definitely isn’t Russia.

    • @Rafael_Luisi
      32 years ago

      Its because of Cornshev and his obcession into introducting corn on the USSR, he wanted that because its cheap and easy to plant and it can also be used to feed cattle.