I’ve been using endeavouros for a while now, but want to switch to a point release because I’m not in a position to do massive updates every few days anymore

  • @pH3ra@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I jumped to Fedora recently (I was on Endeavor too) and it’s been one of the best first impact I had with a distro in a long time: everything is so clean and just works out of the box.<br> I have no particular suggestion except take a look to the spins if you don’t like the default Gnome desktop (I love Mate so I went with that).

    • eisensteinium ☭OP
      2 years ago

      Oh yeah I’m definitely going with KDE, I’m very much not a gnome person, happy to hear it’s been a good experience!

      • @y78fpXvK8Zxz
        22 years ago

        i’ve also recently switched to fedora kde and it’s been a great experience (not so much with wayland because nvidia, i just choose x11 at login screen).