• @SaddamHussein24
    2 years ago

    Indeed it would, Iraq, Syria and Iran together in the USSR bloc. Frankly it could have been possible, but Khomeini and Hafez Al Assad were dumbasses. Khomeini i already explained, he opposed USSR and Iraq for no reason. Hafez Al Assad was also quite the opportunist. As i said in 1991 he invaded Iraq with the US. Also in 1976 in the Lebanese Civil War he briefly sided with the prozionist fascists against the communists and palestinians because the latter were fighting Israel too much for his taste (simplified ofc). Thankfully he quickly reversed that and supported again the communists and palestinians after getting a lot of backlash from Iraq, Libya and the USSR. So yeah, in 1979 Iraq and Syria were planning to unite in a United Arab Republic (remember panarabism) but Hafez Al Assad the moron tried to do a coup against Saddam Hussein and got caught, so ofc the idea got cancelled. What a dumbass honestly. Thankfully Bashar Al Assad never did this shit and is very based.