I had my meeting with two representatives from my local PSL org :)! I do wish i had read more into the different publications the org had, because they did ask me about what specifically interested me in their publication.

I want to write a special thank you to the guy(s) who kept on ddosing lemmy. You gave me no other choice ;).

  • @IdliketothinkimsmartOP
    92 years ago
    1. They’re anarchists. Anything even resembling hierarchy gets denounced as a cult 🤣

    2. That certainly wasn’t the vibe that I got. They were relatively balanced when I asked them their positions on certain issues.

    • @panic
      52 years ago

      I assume that following ML thought, studying it and upholding figures like Stalin might look “cultish” to some. But I’m not from the USA so I have no idea what the party and its history are like.