• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    32 years ago

    I generally agree. Linux stack is a huge mess, and there are lots of benefits to building on top of modern and clean architecture like HarmonyOS. And that’s especially the case if you have unlimited funding to develop it. I also agree with virtualisation point, if you can get useful Linux apps to run in containers you get a bridge until you can develop native equivalents.

    • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
      32 years ago

      The Linux ecosystem highlights both the strength and the weakness of F/OSS in one fell swoop.

      The strength is that, via its flexibility, it has enabled the creation of a myriad of very specific distributions that scratch very specific itches all the way from mobile on Android to build-your-own-server-OSes to desktop machines to …

      The weakness is that it has a myriad of distributions that ensure no two distributions work quite the same way in ways that confuse and frustrate end-users who have no desire to learn what’s going on under the hood of their machines to edit the church newsletter.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        22 years ago

        Pretty much, Linux is very fragmented and that makes it difficult to create a polished experience on top of it.