Original message: GenZedong users and moderators warned the Lemmygrad administration of chauvinists and people who harassed other users creating a community called Dongistan. Admins from both Discord and Telegram warned us of these reactionary elements and they were preemptively removed from the community

EDIT: We were working on the assumption that they were PatSocs, because that was the information given to us, and we decided to act upon that without further evidence. It was a mistake on our part. The community was therefore restored, but we are investigating the case further.

We are banning trolls which were harassing admins and other members inside Lemmygrad, and we’ve found out that they are a part of a group called “Horde’s People’s Republic of Dongistan” on Telegram.

  • Siri Sirius Serious
    2 years ago

    OYes because it didn’t been in Lemmygrad long enough. One East Asian comrade called herself a mongoloid because of racism in North America, and teenage admin banned her for being Haz fan. I think majority of dongistan community never heard for Haz, don’t spend time on “marxist” YouTubers… Also being mongoloid is related to Russians being called orcs and horde, with similar thesis as Hitler that “they ain’t pure whites, they are mixed with mongoloids”, I don’t know how you can be patsoc North American saying that if you ain’t from North America. 2nd issue was panarabism, calling Nasser and Assad fans, or just people that like idea of unified arab world because it would change balance of power in that region (regardless of race or faith, culture, it meant to include arab speaking countries, even though some had other languages used inside its community besides that, and arabic itself is not standard Arabic but have many dialacets, so that makes it “cultural genocide” if people choose to speak 普通话 alike language more then regional one). Admin never heard for baath split, assumed that cia-Israel paid Sadam Husein is one and only “pan arabist” (he was just Iraq baath party leader, nothing much panarabist there), even though Assad and Hoshni Mubarak sent their troops in Iraq agaisnt Sadam during Gulf War. Even though Syria during Assads was multi ethnic and multi seceterian /religious, while after civil war many freedom fighters (like isis and ypg your admins adore probably) many targeted, displaced, killed people because they differ. She was told all this, but emotional teenager that is all about having opinion and being right, and not knowing much about the subject (I guess because there is no marxist YouTuber talking about it, that’s starting and ending point of all marxism resources) was blind for arguments and banned everyone that defended that stance, she shared me text about “arab nationalism” as argument, page and a half long, arab nationalism in Ottoman empire… Dongistan members including me defending panarabism from being called genocidal, told her that idea is union of Arab speaking world, not exlusion of non Arabs, non sunnis inside that state. Also many of those members including me ain’t arab, neither they come from Muslim community, so idk how that can make us patsoc? Dongistan have reading club, and we had discussion about Edward Said - Orientalism, maybe that would teach your YouTuber banhammer admin about colonial legacy in middle East rather then YouTubers. Sub didn’t even lasted for 2 days, so no one could see its opinions rather then sharing memes they made about whole situation (she said something about Lybian Baath party? and thought all panarabists are Saddam supporters which is pretty rare, and nobody in dongistan supports Saddam, while there is unironic Saddam adoring sub here, even thought there is nothing socialist about it). Nobody mocks teenagers from being emotional and doing stuff like that, problem is whole ml community depends on emotional communist aisthetic driven “communist” will. Aisthetization of politics and miltiary is truly fascist supporter thing to do, that’s how Mussolini and Hitler gain popular support. Reason for a ban was “trolling GZD admins”, which really was true, but isn’t this Lemmygrad and should have rules autonomous from r/GZD sub on reddit ? Should we depend on feelings of young lady feeling ashamed when someone mocks her for being wrong and banning all around because of that (she banned whole group for some other reason, all telegram gzd general chat most active users are arbitrarly banned/kicked with given no reason for that in matter of minutes, so maybe idea was to change opinions in discussion that never stopped by changing top active users, maybe she disliked discussion there, it wasn’t American enough or something idk. Gzd general chat is dead now regarding activity).

    • Catradora-Stalinism☭
      82 years ago

      ummm, I don’t disagree or anything, but can you just format a bit (if thats okay), the text wall terrifies me

    • Camarada ForteOPMA
      32 years ago

      Thanks for the wall of text. It’s a good thing you at least acknowledge you were trolling GZD mods.

      For the record, this is the type of thing this user posts in their Telegram chat: