I saw a question about the most favorites… so im here to ask the opposite. For me, my most hated movie is dumb and dumber to, i think

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    182 years ago

    I know it’s cliche for me, a Marxist Leninist, to say this. But literally everything Orwell ever wrote.

    I mean all of it. I took the liberty to read most of his work and some of what he wrote, particularly the pamphlets, are decent. But it’s all bad. His idealism knows no bounds, and his understanding of socialism is fundamentally broken. And, to boot, he’s a deeply hateful person who modern readers would see as a far-right figure if he was alive today. The man thought wearing sandals meant you were criminally insane, and supporting feminism made you less of a man. He reported people to R. Conquest for being black, and gay. But, the libertarian left upholds this man, who would attack them if he was alive now, as a saint of their ideals.

    • @mmeowOP
      82 years ago

      Wearing sandals makes you what ? Lolol. Personally, I only read 1984 a whileee ago and i thought it was garbage.