Seeing that we have a ton of members now, I’m interested in reviving the translation project of a Peruvian book called CIA Shining Path : Political Warfare from Spanish to English.

This book has never seen circulation outside of Peru and even finding the PDF was difficult. But I have it here:

The author was a trade unionist close to the pro-USSR Alvarado government (or at least very favourable to it), and in this book he denounces Shining Path and Gonzalo as CIA agents. This is our chance to bring this book outside of Peru and the Spanish speaking sphere for the first time in history. Even if you don’t agree with the subject matter, I think this remains a very interesting book full of good info (historical geopolitical facts on South America for example) that should definitely see more distribution.

We started the project sometime last year and our schedules being what they are, all the volunteers (me included) got too busy and we put it on indefinite hiatus. If you speak good Spanish and feel this is a worthwhile project, I can definitely use your help. In my opinion this project does not require much central planning; it’s a google doc so just hop on it, and start editing wherever there is a need. What we do is once you’ve corrected a paragraph you color it red to show it’s done, and move to the next. That way you can translate whichever strings you want at whichever time you prefer and we make progress. You could do one sentence, one paragraph or one page a day as your time permits.

What we have so far is a machine-translated copy in English and, armed with the original PDF, we go through the document line by line and correct the sentences to the best of our abilities.

I’m writing this on the prolewiki community because the original plan was (still is for now) to publish it on prolewiki’s library, as well as make PDFs and disseminate them. But yes the editor would technically be ProleWiki.

If you’re interested just comment here and I’ll add you to the project!

  • @mauveOkra
    12 years ago

    Native English and my reading level for Spanish is pretty high but I don’t know how to quantify it. For translating into English it should be sufficient.