Hearing talk that the new Harry Potter movie is being “censored” by removing talk abt Dumblefuck and Grimshit being in love at one point or another. Thing is, there’s never any sources provided, especially never in the Chinese perspective, it doesn’t line up with what China would usually do (as there is a lot of LGBT media in China and popular LGBT people who get representation across the nation). And yet people often smear the country as being less progressive as the US, the country that has passed extremely discriminatory laws against LGBT people while in China there’s trans healthcare. Doesn’t make sense. Any of y’all know more about the subject than I do who can send me sources about the topic?

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭
    112 years ago

    There’s some hints that lgbt people in China are getting their politics from the US,

    Like they’re liberals or they’re gaining important education on LGBTQ matters and support?

    • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
      82 years ago

      A little bit of both. Since the party isn’t cultivating the LGBT movement at home it seems like LGBT NGOs and their proponents are taking on some elements of western liberal idpol since that’s where a significant amount of resources come from, and well-off/influential LGBT people are being educated in US colleges and bring those ideas back with them, the good and the bad. I don’t have solid numbers though, just what I’ve seen in stuff similar to what I’ve linked.