• Muad'DibberA
    43 years ago

    Would u recommend? I still have yet to read anything by prashad (only watched his talks / read his articles), and he’s written a lot so I need a good starting place.

    • @CalliopeM
      43 years ago

      I recommend it, I actually just got done reading Washington Bullets coincidentally. It is a really good general overview of US imperialism, explaining the U.S manual for regime change through specific examples of CIA coups, and also explaining how colonialism simply became neocolonialism. Since it covers so many stories and doesn’t spend time on the minutiae, there might not be much to learn for one knowledgeable about US imperialism, but it does a very good job tying all these stories together for the political point. There also just feels like a lot of weight behind this book right now since it has a preface written by Evo Morales. This generally terrible topic to read involving killings of socialist, through Prashad’s excellent writing and the reflection of the changing material reality conveys a lot of hope

      This book could also make for a pretty good Christmas present to own libs, once you finish reading

      • Muad'DibberA
        13 years ago

        Thx comrade, I’m def gonna read it.

    • loathesome dongeater
      33 years ago

      Would recommend. One thing that is good and horrifying about it is that while many of us already know about the exploits of CIA, he includes quotes from people and dossiers to put a face on the atrocities. Helps get some perspective on how indiscriminate they were on colonising the third world and plunge out of the feeling, if one ever had that, that “USA was shoved into the role of leadership” or did it “in a fit of absense of mind”.